Airport Training Centre Website Terms of Use

These terms were last updated and took effect on 13.12.2022.

Airport Training Centre Website Terms of Use

1. Terms and Definitions

1.1. Training Centre website –

1.2. Airport – State Joint Stock Company “Riga International Airport”.

1.3. Training – training that is listed on the Training Centre’s website and for which the responsible person of the Service Recipient has the option to register employees of their company/organisation.

1.4. Training Application Confirmation – an e-mail sent by the Training Centre to the registered e-mail address of the Service Recipient’s Responsible Person confirming that the employees of the company/organisation signed up by the Service Recipient’s Responsible Person are registered for the relevant Training.

1.5. Responsible Person – a person authorised by the Service Recipient to register on behalf of the company/organisation on the Training Centre’s website and to sign up employees for Training.

1.6. Training Centre – a department of the Airport that provides Training and administers the use of the Training Centre website.

1.7. Service Recipient – a legal entity that has a contract with the Airport for the provision of training services.

1.8. Registered User – a Responsible Person approved by the Training Centre for whom the Training Centre has created a user profile on the Training Centre’s website.

2. Creating a registered user profile on the Training Centre website

2.1. In order to sign up the Service Recipient’s employees for Training, the Service Recipient’s Responsible Person must have a Registered User profile on the Training Centre’s website

2.2. When registering for a user profile, the Responsible Person must provide true, accurate and complete data as necessary for the creation of the Registered User Profile. By clicking the “Register” button, the Responsible Person accepts full responsibility for the accuracy and truthfulness of their personal data and confirms acceptance of these Airport Training Centre Website Terms of Use.

2.3. The Airport shall not be liable for any consequences that may arise as a result of any false, incorrect, incomplete or erroneous data being provided by the Responsible Person.

2.4. Upon receipt of the registration application for creating the Registered User profile, the Training Centre shall verify whether the stated company/organisation is deemed to be a recipient of the Service, i.e., whether the company/organisation indicated in the data for the Registered User profile creation application has a valid contract with the Airport.

2.5. Upon receipt of the Registered User profile application, the Training Centre shall check whether the relevant person is considered to be the Responsible Person of the Service Recipient, i.e., whether they are listed as eligible to apply for training services in the relevant contract between the Service Recipient and the Airport. If the person referred to in the Registered User profile creation application is not the person referred to in the contract between the Service Recipient and the Airport, but is authorised separately, the Service Recipient shall, simultaneously with the Registered User profile creation application, send an e-mail from the Service Recipient’s e-mail address specified in the Training Services Agreement Contract between the Service Recipient and the Airport to the e-mail address of the Training Centre – [email protected] – the relevant authorisation for the Service Recipient, or a certified copy thereof, confirming the right of the person referred to in the Registered User profile application to be the Responsible Person of that Service Recipient. The relevant authorisation must be drawn up and certified in accordance with the requirements of applicable laws and regulations.

2.6. If the Training Centre determines that the company referred to in the Registered User Profile Application is to be considered a Service Recipient, and the person referred to in the Registered User Profile Application is to be considered the Responsible Person for that Service Recipient, the Training Centre shall create the relevant Registered User profile and send the Airport Training Centre Registered User access data, including the initial access password, to the Responsible Person’s e-mail address referred to in the Registered User profile application.

2.7. The Registered User is responsible for changing the original password, for safekeeping and non-disclosure of their password to other persons, and undertakes to change their password regularly, including changing it immediately if it becomes known to other persons.

2.8. If the Training Centre determines that the company mentioned in the application for the creation of a Registered User Profile is not considered a Service Recipient and/or the person mentioned in this application is not considered the Responsible Person for this Service Recipient, the Training Centre shall not create a Registered User profile and shall send a refusal to create a Registered User profile to the e-mail of the person mentioned in the Registered User profile application, indicating the reason for the refusal. In such case, the company/organisation must rectify the non-compliance and resubmit the Registered User Profile application.

2.9. If it is necessary to change the Registered User of the Service Recipient or to correct the data of the Registered User, the existing Registered User profile must be deleted and a new application for the creation of a Registered User profile must be sent. To delete an existing Registered User, the Service Recipient must send an e-mail from the e-mail address of the Service Recipient as defined in the Agreement between the Service Recipient and the Airport, to the e-mail address of the Training Centre – [email protected] – containing the relevant request.

2.10. In the event that the Training Services Agreement between the Service Recipient and the Airport expires, the Training Centre shall immediately block and delete the Registered User profile of the Service Recipient, and the Responsible Person shall no longer be entitled to apply for Training.

3.Training Application

3.1. On the Training Centre’s website, under “Training”, the Registered User selects the specific Training, as well as an available Training date and time.

3.2. The Registered User may only enrol specific employees of the Service Recipient for the Training, specifying for each employee: The name of the employee;E-mail; Is the Training to be provided for the first time – yes/no.
For certain Training, additional information is required: Date of the background check for each employee being signed up. Does the employee have a permanent pass – yes/no.

3.3. After sending the Training Application, the Training Centre reviews the received Training Application and, if it is approved, the Registered User receives the Training Application Confirmation.

3.4. The Airport shall have the right to refuse any Registered User’s Employee Training Application for good cause shown. In this case, the Training Centre will send an e-mail to the Registered User’s e-mail address stating the relevant reasons for its refusal.

3.5. When registering the Service User’s employees for training, the Registered User must provide true, accurate and complete employee details. The Airport shall not be liable for any consequences that may arise as a result of any incorrect, incomplete or erroneous data being provided by the Registered User.